Lög um RNSA, 35. gr.
Fuel requirements for alternate airports
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SIA-Iceland recommends to Icetra to review the need to issue a guidance or instructions to operators on Icelandic AOC regarding fuel requirement to alternate airports in Iceland, in case of flight planned for the closing hours of BIRK, BIAR and BIEG, considering the time required to open these airports.
On 16.10.2024 Icetra issued the following action plan regarding the safety recommendation:
In response to RNSA (SIA Iceland) final report dated 07.12.2023 on aircraft serious incident report dated 7.12.2023 ICETRA has reviewed safety recommendation 19-159F044 T6 which was directed at ICETRA or;
SIA-Iceland recommends to Icetra to review the need to issue a guidance or instructions to operators on Icelandic AOC regarding fuel requirement to alternate airports in Iceland, in case of flight planned for the closing hours of BIRK, BIAR and BIEG, considering the time required to open these airports.
In retrospect
From the time of the incident to present day fuel planning matters have evolved considerably with the implementation of regulatory requirements put forward in EASA CAT.OP.MPA.180-185. All Icelandic operators using large transport airplanes now operate in accordance with subchapter‚ Basic Fuel Scheme with variations which places much higher demands on flight planning with regards to e.g. fuel carried, selection of alternate aerodromes and fuel en-route alternates than before.
Present state
ICETRA conducts numerous audits every year on all operators on different subjects, including ‚Release to flight / Dispatch. Time interval between audits of same kind is 24 months maximum. All in all, the results are satisfactory or good with mostly low-level findings. ICETRA requires and promotes high discipline and compliance with the regulation, especially in view of less fuel that is possible to carry for each flight than ever before, given all precautionary guidelines are followed.
Action plan
In response to RNSA safety recommendation ICETRA has decided to probe further into flight planning matters with operators by pursuing an on-site inspection at each operator´s flight dispatch unit in OCC (Operator Control Centre). This inspection can and should reveal any weaknesses in the operator flight dispatch, including methodology, use of flight planning software, skills, communication with flight crews and sharing of duties and responsibilities.
Inspection of landing gears for undersized parts
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For aircraft that have received overhauled landing gears from Landing Gear Technologies, registered as TF-ISS, TF-FIA, TF-ISY and D4-CCG, inspect the landing gears and the landing gears records as follows:
Inspect the landing gears. If the landing gears contain fastening component and a mating part of painted yellow color, then inspect the landing gear overhaul records to verify that the parts have been undersized.
If the landing gear overhaul records indicate that the parts have been undersized by Landing Gear Technologies, jack up the airplane per the Aircraft Maintenance Manual instructions, disassemble the undersized parts and measure the threaded portion of the undersized parts to verify that their sizes are mating and per the relevant Component Maintenance Manual (CMM) for undersize parts.
If, the undersized parts sizes are as required per the CMM, re-assemble per the relevant CMM instructions. Otherwise take the necessary maintenance action to replace with the required parts.
Icelandair inspected all landing gears for undersized parts and mesured all undesized parts originating from Landing Gear Technologies in Miami.
Aðkoma að sandgeymslu
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Að við hönnun og skipulag á akbraut og stæða á Egilsstaðaflugvelli, sem kalla á færslu á sandgeymslu, þá verði tryggt að aðkoma að sandgeymslu verði möguleg án aksturs um flugbraut.
lsavia lnnanlandsflugvellir mun taka fullt tillit til þessarar ábendingar þegar farið verður í hönnun á nýrri akbraut og flughlaði á Egilsstaðaflugvelli og það verður tryggt að aðkoma að sandgeymslu verði möguleg án aksturs um flugbraut.
Tengd hlustun á fjarskipti flugradíómanns á BIEG
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Að Isavia Innanlands skoði þann möguleika að tengja hlustun á fjarskipti flugradíómanns BIEG (119,4 MHz) inn á fjarskiptatæki í farartækjum flugvallarþjónustu BIEG (168,6 MHz) til þess að auka næmni á aðstæður (situational awareness).
Í umsagnarferli lokadraga skýrslunnar innleiddi Isavia Innanlands eftirfarandi og uppfyllti því þegar efni tillögunar fyrir útgáfu lokaskýrslunnar:
Til viðbótar hefur verið tengd hlustun á fjarskipti flugradíómanns á BIEG (119,4 MHz) inn á fjarskiptatæki í farartækjum flugvallarþjónustu BIEG (168,6 MHz) Með þessari aðgerð ætti næmni flugvallaþjónustu á aðstæðum að aukast. Jafnframt minnkar það líkur á að kallað er á turn á turnbylgju (119,4 MHz) og grundbylgju (168,6 MHz) á sama tíma.
Flugvél talin með í röð inn til lendingar uns lent er
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RNSA leggur til við Isavia ANS, að í þjálfun flugumferðarstjóra með turnréttindi verði farið yfir það að flugvél skal talin með í röð inn til lendingar þangað til að hún er lent (samanber grein 350.2.1.A í MANOPS).
Tillaga RNSA er samhljóma tillögu rannsóknarhóps atvika hjá Isavia ANS og er úrbótum þegar lokið. Farið var yfir þessi atriði í síþjálfun flugumferðarstjóra í flugturnum í október-nóvember 2020.
Coupling the frequencies together to avoid multiple transmissions at the same time
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In case a single ATCO monitoring multiple frequencies in the Keflavík Airport Tower, evaluate the feasibility of temporary coupling the frequencies together to avoid multiple transmissions at the same time.
Add more location references, commonly used by BIKF TWR
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In Iceland AIP AD 2 BIKF 8 -1, for Keflavik VFR Routes, (see Appendix 2) add more location references, commonly used by BIKF TWR to put VFR traffic in holding around the airport, such as HAFNIR and SANDGERDI.
Change the classification of the control zones
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To change the classification of the control zones for Keflavik from class D airspace to class C airspace.
Amendment to Icelandic regulation 70/2011
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It is recommended to the Ministry of Transport and Local Government and to the Ministry of Justice to amend regulation 71/2011, article 15, to include notification to the ITSB when an aircraft is missing.
Not actioned by the Ministry of Transport and Local Government and the Ministry of Justice.
Auknar kröfur við samsetningu og viðhaldi fisa
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RNSA ítrekar fyrri tillögu sína frá 17. september 2014 til Samgöngustofu úr skýrslu vegna flugslyss á fisi TF-303, er varð þann 20. október 2012, um að „auknar kröfur verði gerðar um þekkingu og vinnubrögð þeirra sem vinna að samsetningu sem og viðhaldi fisa.“
Samgöngustofu hefur í samvinnu við Fisfélag Reykjavíkur hafið vinnu við endurskoðun á samþykktum handbókum fyrir fisfélögin auk þess sem ferli Samgöngustofu við samþykktir á handbókum er til endurskoðunar.