Lög um RNSA, 35. gr.
Flight dispatch resources for flight tests
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Ensure sufficient resources for flight dispatch operation, independent of the flight crew, during flight tests.
SCAC has developed an internal regulation applicable to their flight test center for Sukhoi Civil Aircraft JSC Control Service. This regulation is under evaluation at the Russian National Aviation Authority and will be adopted when approved to conduct flight test activity.
Arming of doors prior to flight tests
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Review the flight test program and take the necessary steps to ensure that arming of door slides is performed prior to flight.
SCAC has improved its flight safety approach is such a way that all test pilots and test flight engineers underwent additional training concerning door slides arming operation.
TQL operation under failed engine condition
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Clarify the AFM procedures to require both TQLs to be operated in cases where a failed engine has not been identified and secured.
SCAC clarify that the AFM approved by lAC AR and EASA for RRJ-95 aircraft contains all the instructions related to the engine thrust setting and also to the activation of the go-around function in accordance with the Certification Basis (CB) para. 25.125; 15.121 and 25.119 requirements. Both TQL's go-around position setting instructions are in the part of the Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) which are described in the Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM).
Activation of emergency plan
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Take the necessary steps to ensure that Keflavik Airport’s emergency plan is activated without a delay, following an accident occurrence
- Í því skyni að styðja við tímanlega boðun voru búnar til æfingar og æfingaáætlun þar sem ætlast er til að stutt boðunar-æfing fari fram a.m.k. vikulega (SR15005,SR19018).
- Í skýrslu RHA (Rannsóknarhópur atvika) um atvikið kom fram að boðunarlisti var ekki á þeim stað sem viðkomandi flugumferðarstjóri gerði ráð fyrir. Í dag er virkt, daglegt, eftirlit til að tryggja að gátlista-mappa sé á réttum stað og að innihald hennar sé eins og það á að vera (SR15005,SR19018).
- Neyðargátlistar flugturnsins í Keflavík voru uppfærðir og samræmdir við gátlista annarra flugturna.
- Sérstök áhersla var lögð á boðun í síþjálfun ársins 2014 og neyðarviðbrögð eru árlega á dagskrá síþjálfunar.
Adhere to AIP
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Take the necessary steps to ensure that the AIP is adhered to
- Til staðar er sérregla SR19006 Noise abatement procedures, þar er starfsmönnum bent á þær reglur sem auglýstar eru í AIP.
- Í framhaldi af útkomu skýrslunnar var eftirfarandi texti settur inn á vaktaskiptablað í flugturninum í Keflavík
- „Allt árið um kring: Hvorki snertilendingar né lág aðflug verða samþykkt fyrir braut 11/29 milli 22:00 og 07:00“.
- Skýrslan kynnt á varðstjórafundi og umræða tekinn um mikilvægi þess að fara eftir þeim tilmælum sem að ofan er getið.
Airport procedure regarding flight testing
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Set up formal procedures for Flight Certification / Flight Testing at the BIKF airport, based on the work of the in-house task group
Isavia hefur gefið út sérstakt verklag VR700 10-4 Prófunarflug á Keflavíkurflugvelli.
Procedure for flight certification/testing in Iceland
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Set up a procedure for approval of Flight Certification / Flight Testing that are performed at Icelandic airports and in Icelandic airspace. The procedure should ensure that the airport/ATC service provider (Isavia) is
informed/consulted as applicable
Samgöngustofa hefur brugðist við tilmælunum á þann hátt að verkferill hefur verið útbúin og tryggir hann að ávallt verði haft samráð við rekstraraðila flugvalla og flugleiðsögu áður en heimild til flugvottanna og/eða flugprófanna er gefin út af Samgöngustofu.
Change to emergency slide system
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In conjunction with the manufacturer, ensure that necessary changes are made to the emergency escape slide design of RRJ-95B aircraft EASA certified under type certificate EASA.IM.A.176 to meet the maximum wind requirements of EASA CS-25.810(iv)
EASA has contacted the manufacturer and the Interstate Aviation Committee-AR in order to review the compliance of the slides with the certification requirements.
Flugveðurupplýsingar Veðurstofu Íslands
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RNSA beinir því til Veðurstofu Íslands að gæta þess að upplýsingar í flugveðurskilyrðum samræmist upplýsingar á veðurkortum.
Veðurstofa Íslands hefur brugðist við tillögunni á eftirfarandi hátt:
- Leiðbeiningar um flugveðurskilyrði yfir Íslandi (LBE-005) verða endurskoðuð
- Námskeið fyrir flugveðurfræðinga um þarfir flugmanna í sjónflugi haldið fyrir veðurfræðinga í lok september 2021, eftir að LBE-005 hefur verið endurskoðað
Re-evaluation of CRM training
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It is recommended to the operator to re-evaluate its CRM training.
Since the time of the Accident the company taken a number of measures to analyse, identify risks and mitigate. Effort has been made to keep ICETRA and RNSA abreast of all findings and changes resulting thereof. A number of changes include reconsideration of CRM/Human Factors elements in traininig and the operation as a whole. Changes include, but are not limited to:
- Company’s Emergency Response plan has been revised and published.
- A new, yonger model aircraft was purchased, financed and registered. TF-MYA. A factor in the descision was the superior avionics package, including traffic advisory system and terrain awareness functions.
- The company discarted the practice of conducting every other recurrent training in actual aircraft and in stead opted to conduct all recurrent training in full flight simulators.
- Normal operating procedures where completely rewritten and operational philosophy redefined to include industry best practices. Outside consultation was sought and used in this process to ensure a broader perspective.
- Normal checklist system revised based on new operational philosophy and new checklists published.
- Stricter emphasis placed on procedural adherence and standardization in all training. This effort is ongoing.
- Effort launched to reiterate that individuality in procedural adherence is not acceptable by management. This effort is ongoing.
- Training has and will continue to include material aimed at enforcing the relationship between flight standardization, professionalism and safety.
- IFR/VFR policy has been rewritten and published to make clear under what conditions visual flying is allowed. New policy reviewed in training.