Verklag um flugvél tekin úr skipulögðu viðhaldi

Verklag um flugvél tekin úr skipulögðu viðhaldi

Nr. máls: 18-150F030
Staða máls: Lokuð
Farðu í skýrslu 12.12.2019

Tillaga í öryggisátt

Að Air Iceland Connect setji upp formlegt verklag til þess að tryggja að flugumsjón geti ekki einhliða tekið flugvél úr skipulögðu og/eða bókuðu viðhaldi, án samráðs og samþykkis viðhaldsdeildar.


The following text is currently in Air Iceland Connect OM-A (9); „Co-ordinate airplane assignment to scheduled flight operations and charter flights with Marketing Division and Technical Operations“. After discussion with relevant personnel it clear that changes to scheduled maintenance are not done without consultation with the Technical department.

To prevent any misunderstanding and to document current practice the following text has been added to OM-A (9) in revision 31.

Changes to planned scheduled maintenance slot in RM / Movement Control shall only be done after consultation and acceptance by the Technical Department.