Þjálfun neyðarviðbragða

Nr. máls: M-02012/AIG-16
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

RNSA beinir því til fisfélagsins Sléttunnar að verkleg kennsla við þjálfun á neyðarviðbrögðum verði bætt.


Fisfélagið Sléttan í samvinnu við fisfélag Reykjavíkur og Samgöngustofu hefur hafið vinnu við endurskoðun verklagshandbóka fisfélaga. Vonast er til að þetta klárist vorið 2016.

Samsetning og viðhald

Nr. máls: M-02012/AIG-16
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

RNSA beinir því til Samgöngustofu að auknar kröfur verði gerðar um þekkingu og vinnubrögð þeirra sem vinna að samsetningu sem og viðhaldi fisa


Samgöngustofu hefur í samvinnu við Fisfélag Reykjavíkur hafið vinnu við endurskoðun á samþykktum handbókum fyrir fisfélögin auk þess sem ferli Samgöngustofu við samþykktir á handbókum er til endurskoðunar.

Kennsluflug í meiri hæð

Nr. máls: M-02012/AIG-16
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

RNSA beinir því til fisfélagsins Sléttunnar að verklegt kennsluflug verði framkvæmt í meiri hæð í skilgreindu æfingarsvæði.


Fisfélagið Sléttan í samvinnu við fisfélag Reykjavíkur og Samgöngustofu hefur hafið vinnu við endurskoðun verklagshandbóka fisfélaga. Vonast er til að þetta klárist vorið 2016.

FAA mandate of design change to cargo door due to maximum wind operation loading

Nr. máls: M-00511/AIG-05
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

The Icelandic Transportation Safety Board (ITSB) recommends to the FAA that it requires the STC holder of FAA STC #ST01529SE to review the structural design of the main cargo door with respect to the 45 knots maximum wind operation loading and make the necessary design changes in order to meet the requirements of FAA FAR subchapters 25.301(a) and 25.303.


FAA Safety Recommendation 14.055 was assigned to the FAA's Aircraft Certification Service, Transport Airplane Directorate on April 15, 2014, requiring Precision Conversions to modify the structural design of the main cargo door to support the intended 45 knots maximum wind operation limit in compliance with FAA FAR and EASA CS, subchapters 25.301(a) and 25.303.

The STC holder addressed through service bulletin (SB) PC-757-52-0018 a redesign of the cargo door, replacing the aluminum rods of the door with steel rods.

In addition, for both configurations, pre and post SB PC-757-52-0018, the following wind/gust limitations have been established and incorporated in the Aircraft Maintenance Manual and Operations Manual supplements:

- 45 knots up to the door canopy position, 0 (zero) knots beyond the door canopy position, for configuration pre SB PC-757-52-0018 (aluminum rods).

- 45 knots up to the door canopy position, 25 knots beyond the door canopy position, for configuration post SB PC-757-52-0018 (steel rods).

These design changes and wind/gust limitations were mandated by the FAA AD 2016-04-24.

EASA mandate of design change to cargo door due to maximum wind operation loading

Nr. máls: M-00511/AIG-05
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

The Icelandic Transportation Safety Board (ITSB) recommends to EASA that it require the STC holder of EASA STC EASA.IM.A.S.01423 to review the structural design of the main cargo door with respect to the 45 knots maximum wind operation loading and make the necessary design changes in order to meet the requirements of EASA CS, subchapters 25.301(a) and 25.303.


The STC holder addressed through service bulletin (SB) PC-757-52-0018 a redesign of the cargo door, replacing the aluminum rods of the door with steel rods.

In addition, for both configurations, pre and post SB PC-757-52-0018, the following wind/gust limitations have been established and incorporated in the Aircraft Maintenance Manual and Operations Manual supplements:

- 45 knots up to the door canopy position, 0 (zero) knots beyond the door canopy position, for configuration pre SB PC-757-52-0018 (aluminum rods).

- 45 knots up to the door canopy position, 25 knots beyond the door canopy position, for configuration post SB PC-757-52-0018 (steel rods).

These design changes and wind/gust limitations were mandated by the FAA AD 2016-04-24, which has been adopted by EASA.



Change of door design

Nr. máls: M-00511/AIG-05
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

The Icelandic Transportation Safety Board (ITSB) recommends to Precision Conversions that it reviews the structural design of the main cargo door with respect to the 45 knots maximum wind operation loading and make the necessary design changes in order to meet the requirements of FAA FAR and EASA CS, subchapters 25.301(a) and 25.303.


Precision Conversions has modified the structural design of the main cargo door to support the intended 45 knots maximum wind operation limit in compliance with FAA FAR and EASA CS, subchapters 25.301(a) and 25.303.

Bætt utanumhald þjálfunar

Nr. máls: M-02012/AIG-16
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

RNSA beinir því til fisfélagsins Sléttunnar að utanumhald um framgang þjálfunar flugnema verði bætt.


Fisfélagið Sléttan í samvinnu við fisfélag Reykjavíkur og Samgöngustofu hefur hafið vinnu við endurskoðun verklagshandbóka fisfélaga. Vonast er til að þetta klárist vorið 2016.