Inspection of landing gears for undersized parts

Inspection of landing gears for undersized parts

Nr. máls: 20-014F001
Staða máls: Lokuð
Farðu í skýrslu 02.04.2020

Tillaga í öryggisátt

For aircraft that have received overhauled landing gears from Landing Gear Technologies, registered as TF-ISS, TF-FIA, TF-ISY and D4-CCG, inspect the landing gears and the landing gears records as follows:

Inspect the landing gears. If the landing gears contain fastening component and a mating part of painted yellow color, then inspect the landing gear overhaul records to verify that the parts have been undersized.

If the landing gear overhaul records indicate that the parts have been undersized by Landing Gear Technologies, jack up the airplane per the Aircraft Maintenance Manual instructions, disassemble the undersized parts and measure the threaded portion of the undersized parts to verify that their sizes are mating and per the relevant Component Maintenance Manual (CMM) for undersize parts.

If, the undersized parts sizes are as required per the CMM, re-assemble per the relevant CMM instructions. Otherwise take the necessary maintenance action to replace with the required parts.


Icelandair inspected all landing gears for undersized parts and mesured all undesized parts originating from Landing Gear Technologies in Miami.