Tillögur í öryggisátt Síða 2

Lög um RNSA, 35. gr.

Bætt utanumhald þjálfunar

Nr. máls: M-02012/AIG-16
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

RNSA beinir því til fisfélagsins Sléttunnar að utanumhald um framgang þjálfunar flugnema verði bætt.


Fisfélagið Sléttan í samvinnu við fisfélag Reykjavíkur og Samgöngustofu hefur hafið vinnu við endurskoðun verklagshandbóka fisfélaga. Vonast er til að þetta klárist vorið 2016.

Kennsluflug í meiri hæð

Nr. máls: M-02012/AIG-16
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

RNSA beinir því til fisfélagsins Sléttunnar að verklegt kennsluflug verði framkvæmt í meiri hæð í skilgreindu æfingarsvæði.


Fisfélagið Sléttan í samvinnu við fisfélag Reykjavíkur og Samgöngustofu hefur hafið vinnu við endurskoðun verklagshandbóka fisfélaga. Vonast er til að þetta klárist vorið 2016.

Þjálfun neyðarviðbragða

Nr. máls: M-02012/AIG-16
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

RNSA beinir því til fisfélagsins Sléttunnar að verkleg kennsla við þjálfun á neyðarviðbrögðum verði bætt.


Fisfélagið Sléttan í samvinnu við fisfélag Reykjavíkur og Samgöngustofu hefur hafið vinnu við endurskoðun verklagshandbóka fisfélaga. Vonast er til að þetta klárist vorið 2016.

Critical pulley fastener notification

Nr. máls: M-01913/AIG-14
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

The Icelandic Transportation Safety Board (ITSB) recommends to Technify Motors to issue a service letter to operators, advising of this incident and remind them never to loosen the belt pulley fastener in the crankshaft, due to its critical torque value.


Technify Motors added several notes to repair procedures (RM-02-02) during which the mechanic might have the idea to demount the pulley and informed all registered users regarding the new versions.

Design of pulley fastener locking

Nr. máls: M-01913/AIG-14
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

The Icelandic Transportation Safety Board (ITSB) recommends to Technify Motors to reconsider the design of the crankshaft belt pulley fastener P/N 05-7223-K000501 in order to prevent loosening of the fastener.


Technify Motors reconsidered the design of the crankshaft belt pulley fastener P/N 05- 7223-K000501 in order to prevent loosening of the fastener and provided a report to EASA. In the report different options of locking mechanism were considered. The preferred solution was to mark the bolt with torque seal and decided to implement it. This way, the security of the correct sit of the crankshaft main bolt could be checked during inspections, to see if it was loosening over time.

Aviation weather also published in English

Nr. máls: M-01514/AIG-12
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

ITSB recommends to the Icelandic Met Office that it publishes Aviation weather conditions (flugveðurskilyrði) also in English.


This has been actioned by the Icelandic MET Office.

Instructions for pilots in English on the Icelandic Met Office homepage

Nr. máls: M-01514/AIG-12
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

ITSB recommends to the Icelandic Met Office that it publishes instructions (in English) that supports pilots on how to use the materials on the Met Office website.


Veðurstofa Íslands leggur til að:

1) Samdar verði leiðbeiningar á ensku um gögnin á ensku flugveðursíðunni og hvernig þau geti nýst ferjuflugmönnum.

2) Samdar verði leiðbeiningar fyrir ferjuflugmenn sem hjálpi þeim að velja hvort betra sé að fljúga til BIEG eða BIHN eftir veðuraðstæðum frá Færeyjum.

Make the airport at Höfn an entry airport into Iceland

Nr. máls: M-01514/AIG-12
Staða máls: Opin

Tillaga í öryggisátt

The ITSB recommends to the Ministry of Transport and Local Government that the airport at Höfn be made an airport of entry into Iceland.


Not actioned by the Ministry of Transport and Local Government.

Re-evaluation of CRM training

Nr. máls: M-01513/AIG-11
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

It is recommended to the operator to re-evaluate its CRM training.


Since the time of the Accident the company taken a number of measures to analyse, identify risks and mitigate. Effort has been made to keep ICETRA and RNSA abreast of all findings and changes resulting thereof. A number of changes include reconsideration of CRM/Human Factors elements in traininig and the operation as a whole. Changes include, but are not limited to:

  • Company’s Emergency Response plan has been revised and published.
  • A new, yonger model aircraft was purchased, financed and registered. TF-MYA. A factor in the descision was the superior avionics package, including traffic advisory system and terrain awareness functions.
  • The company discarted the practice of conducting every other recurrent training in actual aircraft and in stead opted to conduct all recurrent training in full flight simulators.
  • Normal operating procedures where completely rewritten and operational philosophy redefined to include industry best practices. Outside consultation was sought and used in this process to ensure a broader perspective.
  • Normal checklist system revised based on new operational philosophy and new checklists published.
  • Stricter emphasis placed on procedural adherence and standardization in all training. This effort is ongoing.
  • Effort launched to reiterate that individuality in procedural adherence is not acceptable by management. This effort is ongoing.
  • Training has and will continue to include material aimed at enforcing the relationship between flight standardization, professionalism and safety.
  • IFR/VFR policy has been rewritten and published to make clear under what conditions visual flying is allowed. New policy reviewed in training.

Paramedic as a crew member

Nr. máls: M-01513/AIG-11
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

It is recommended to the Icelandic transport authority (ICETRA) to consider that a paramedic in an ambulance flight should be defined as a crew member.


Að mati Samgöngustofu getur ítrasta krafa í þessu sambandi verið íþyngjani og erfitt fyrir leyfishafa að framkvæma, enda er t.d. ekki möguleiki að gera kröfu um að reglur um flug-, vakt- og hvíldartíma fyrir áhafnir gildi fyrir lækna og sjúkraflutningamenn.

Samgöngustofa hefur hins vegar ákveðið að gera kröfu til leyfishafa sem sinna sjúkraflugi með flugvélum að læknar og sjúkraflutningamenn verði skilgreindir sem "Medical Passenger / Flight Physician". Þessa skilgreiningu má nú þegar finna fyrir sjúrka- og björgunarflug með þyrlum. Leyfishafar munu þurfa að skilgreina viðkomandi í flugrekstrarhandbók, með hliðsjón af CAT.OP.MPA.155. Þá verði gerð krafa um að leyfishafar skilgreini í þjálfunarhandbók þjálfunarkröfur fyrir viðkomandi og hafi til hliðsjónar EU 965/2012 SPA.HEMS.100 GM1 SPA.HEMS.100(a) eins og á við í rekstri sjúkraflugs með flugvélum.