2019 Síða 2

Endurskoðun þjálfun starfsfólks í viðhaldi flugvéla

Nr. máls: 18-150F030
Staða máls: Lokuð

Tillaga í öryggisátt

Að Air Iceland Connect endurskoði þjálfun starfsfólks, til þess að tryggja að starfsfólk sem kemur að viðhaldi flugvéla, hver sem staða þess er, fái viðeigandi þjálfun og hafi þekkingu á sínu hlutverki og skyldum. Undir þetta fellur að starfsfólki á að vera ljóst hverjar heimildir þess eru (authorized staff) eða takmarkanir (un-authorized staff).


Training for maintenance personnel has been reviewed. Initial training for employees will include overview of privileges as well as limitations set forth for Mechanics and Technicians in CAME and regulations.

Procedures in CAME have been reviewed with this in mind, and CAME 2.10 and roles and responsibilities in 1.4 have been updated in rev. 50 with a clear definition of the different limitations. The line between Mechanic and Technician has been made clear to make sure every employee knows their limitations.

List 1.6.0 Company Staff and Authorization list will be re-issued to include all maintenance personnel and certifying staff will be re-issued to include all employees with limitations and privileges presented to make it clearer. E.g. currently the list does not contain Non Part-66 Mechanics, Airworthiness Review Staff and office personnel. In next revision this will all be added to the same list to have a clear overview for all personnel.

Training Material will be distributed to all personnel when CAME revision 50 has been accepted by ICETRA, with a special focus on Mechanics and Technicians.

Redesign W&B chart

Nr. máls: 15-089-F-026
Staða máls: Opin

Tillaga í öryggisátt

Redesign the weight and balance envelope chart for the Tecnam P2002JF load sheet, to minimize the risk of incorrect W&B calculations.


Not actioned by Tecnam.